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We are a group of students of 1ESO that are concerned about the environment. We know that the climate change is the biggest challenge of our Planet.

On the Global Climate Strike for Future of 15 March 2019 we decided to contribute to the Fridays for Future Movement. After discussing about different ways to do it, we decided to start a project to raise awareness about the problem of microplastics.

Since then, we spent one hour every Friday working on the project. This website is one of the results.

You can see pictures of the project here:

Algunos pensaréis que reciclar no sirve

We presented the project in the environmental fair in EL BOALO the 8th and 9th of  June and in the European Meeting "Zero plastic" in Italy in September 2019.

Check it out: 


1B/A Sección curso18/19





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Página creada por alumnado del CEIPSO San Sebastián (El Boalo)

Síguenos en redes:

  • Web del centro
  • @ecoceipso
  • @CEIPSOBoalo
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