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The problem occurs when we the plastics get to smaller particles.


What are the consequences for humans?


Our beaches are invaded by plastics that are being desintegrated and mixing with the ocean’s water. They form very small particles that the animals eat without realizing. When we eat fish or seafood, the chemicals that they have can harm our health.


There is a high likelihood that these microplastic particles could indeed be dangerous to the human body. For example, there is some evidence that microplastics can absorb toxic chemicals and then release them in an animal's digestive systems.


Why are they bad for the environment?


The microplastics are very toxic and they have a negative impact on soil and water.


Fish, turtles, jellyfish and other aquatic animals can eat microplastics and they are being poisoned.


It also affects to birds and other organisms that eat the poisoned animals.


There are more than 500 affected species and many marine ecosystems that are in danger.


You can find more information in this document: 

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